Countering the Culture

Countering the Culture Video Link

“Christian and non-Christian youth alike are bombarded daily as today’s culture attempts to rob them of moral absolutes. This lack of a moral barometer creates a tumultuous sea of confusion for today’s girls.

Girls want to make meaning out of their lives and statistics show that girls have a high desire to believe in a higher being. What will that belief system be? Will it be of false idols or the one true God? According to Barna Research, if youth do not make a commitment to Christ by age 12, the probability of them finding Him during their life is extremely low.

Given the pop-culture icons present in today’s society, there is an obvious need for a cultural change for our nation and its daughters; a need for girls to know the love of Christ, the joy of lasting friendships and the fun of new wholesome experiences –in essence, the need for a ministry for girls that has transforming significance.  Please watch our promotional video “Countering the Culture.”

While AHG’s mission statement is to “Build women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country”, we recognize that our overall mission as part of God’s family is the Great Commission, as commanded by our Lord, Jesus Christ.

The small, all-girl unit, within the AHG Troop structure, provides a nurturing environment ripe for learning and the building of positive relationships. The AHG program grows as a girl grows. The program structure allows a girl to be involved from age 5 to well into adulthood. This longevity of experience and consistency of messaging allows the program to be life changing to its members. Remembering that God has assured us His presence throughout our journey, we will endeavor to teach our nation’s daughters of the love of the Father through the AHG ministry. Please join with us in striving towards our Great Commission.”

From the AHGonline website at please feel free to visit them for additional information about the organization and finding a troop in your area.

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