
Trail Life USA

Our Charter facility (Pinewood Presbyterian Church), has approved Trail Life USA as a ministry at Pinewood to meet on the same night as AHG at Pinewood.  What does this mean?

This means that while our AHG troop is on site from 6:30-8PM on Tuesday nights, the Trail Life USA troop is meeting at the same time, in the same facility, working with the boys.

Our troop operates on 4 meetings a month:

  • 2 meetings on campus for unit time
  • 1 meeting (could be on or off campus) for a Service Project
  • 1 meeting a month (could be on or off campus) for an Outdoor activity or a Special Event.

What does this mean if you have a boy and a girl to register in the troop? This means that your boy(s) will be registered under TLUSA FL0407, and your girl(s) will be registered under AHG FL3110.  There will be some separate and some overlapping paperwork.  2Xs a month your boy(s) will go to their boy units to work with their male leaders, while the girl(s) go to their girl units to work with their female leaders.  For Service and/or Special/Outdoor events, the boys will be in the same location–so that parents only have to drive to one place, but every effort will be made for boys to still be with the boys and girls with the girls.  The reason we are collaborating together is solely to enhance family life.  We want a family-oriented troop, and we hope that this idea of family unity in a troop environment is what you are looking for.

If you have any questions, contact us and we will do our best to answer your questions.

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